Dec 18, 20201 min

New Year Cheer at FarmED

We’ve got some exciting events coming up to keep us all going through the winter months - ‘Nibbles’ from the FarmED Programme Menu - events to whet your appetite.

Early bird discounts available if you book early.

Kiss the Ground Film Screening

Wednesday 20th January

Described as groundbreaking, passionate, compelling and innovative, the ‘Kiss the Ground’ documentary sets out to ‘solve humanity’s greatest challenge’ and show that by regenerating the world’s soils, we can ‘completely and rapidly stabilise the climate, restore lost ecosystems and feed the world’. Light bites from the FarmED Kitchen during the film, followed by a Q&A session.

(link to events)

Burns Night Supper

Monday 25th January

Join us for a Burns Supper with a difference. Yes there will be haggis and neeps and tatties but all regeneratively sourced, with spoken poetry themed around the land and the soil. The evening will be rounded off with a wee dram of course!

(link to events)

Healthy Heart Valentines Special

Saturday 13th Feb

Sharing and preparing food is a wonderful way to show our loved ones that we care, and at FarmED in 2021 Valentine’s Day is not just about romance, it’s a chance to enjoy a special evening with beloved family or friends, over sustainable food lovingly created for a healthy heart and mind.

(link to events)

Half Term Family Fun Activities

February Half Term - Dates TBC

Watch this space!

All events are run in line with current COVID regulations and social distancing advice.
