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North East Cotswolds Farmer Cluster Group Launches

The North East Cotswolds Farmer Cluster Group is now up and running 

Thirty local farmers and advisers met at FarmED at the end of September to hear about the role of farmer clusters and how landscape scale collaboration can deliver benefits for soil, water, wildlife, communities and farming businesses.  Speakers from FWAG, the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust and Natural England shared their experiences and offered support to the group. 

FarmED Manager and event chair, Jonty Brunyee, says: ‘As we move to a new system of payments for public goods and shorter supply chains local collaboration and wider community engagement will become increasingly important. By taking a farmer led bottom up approach we take back some control and learn from each other.  There was a real buzz in the room and a desire to make this cluster a success.’

Volunteers are now forming a small steering group to organise next steps, refine objectives, seek funding, engage with others and appoint a facilitator.  The first set of Covid safe workshops and events will soon be announced. 

All local farmers, growers, foresters, land managers and advisors are welcome to join the group.  Please email to find out more.


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